Optical system of surgical operating microscope
Surgical operating microscope technology enables doctors to observe fine tissues more clearly. With the operating microscope, doctors discover various lesions and complete various microsurgery operations. Operating microscopes integrate optics, precision machinery and electronic control technology. They are used in neurosurgery, ENT, dentistry, ophthalmology and other fields. The microscope part is the core structure of the surgical microscope. Its optical path system includes an observation system and an illumination system. Observation O ptical S ystem The operating microscope is a three-dimensional microscope system. The stereo microscope is designed according to the principle of human stereo vision. Two separate light paths image the object to the left and right eyes of the human. The images are processed by the brain to produce a complete stereo impression. In order to ensure a good stereoscopic effect, the left and right eyes must observe the obje...